Green Parliamentary Group
The Green Parliamentary Group is an informal group consisting of deputies at the Assembly of AP Vojvodina committed to the field of environmental protection and sustainable development. Deputies’ membership in the Green Parliamentary Group is voluntary and not limited in the number of members.
Work of the Green Parliamentary Group is regulated in the Rules of Procedure of the Green Parliamentary Group. The plan of activities will be prepared in cooperation with civil society organisations that are active in the field of environmental protection and sustainable development.
Engagement in the Green Parliamentary Group allows deputies to do the following:
- to influence formulation and enactment of regulations in the field of environmental protection and sustainable development belonging to the scope of competences of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina;
- to improve their knowledge in the field of environmental protection and sustainable development;
- to cooperate with MPs at the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia and parliaments of the neighbouring countries;
- to establish links with civil society organisations that are active in the field of environmental protection and sustainable development.
The Rules of Procedure of the Green Parliamentary Group shall regulate: the composition, seat, goals, publicity of work, rights and duties of the members, election and duration of the term of office of members of the Green Parliamentary Group Presidency, convening and holding the sessions and method on decision-making in sessions, along with other issues relevant to the work of the Green Parliamentary Group.
Work of the Green Parliamentary Group is public. Publicity of work is ensured by organising public events, open fora and seminars, participating in roundtables, publishing the information about its work on the web page of the AP Vojvodina Assembly and by allowing the citizens to ask questions and suggest initiatives to deputies involved in the work of the Green Parliamentary Group.
The Green Parliamentary Group, in compliance with its programme goals, may establish cooperation with political parties, associations and other forms of organising, in the country and the region.
The Presidency is the executive body of the Green Parliamentary Group and it comprises the President, Vice-President and member, who are elected upon the proposal of the AP Vojvodina Assembly President, from among members of the Green Parliamentary Group. The Green Parliamentary Group has a Secretary, who assists the President of the Presidency in organising and convening their sessions.
Rules of Procedure of the Green Parliamentary Group *
Contact information:
Tasks of the Informal Group Secretary shall be carried out by: Covic Viktoria
Теl: +381 21 487-4168
Аddress: Assembly of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina
Vladike Platona 1
21101 Novi Sad
Republic of Serbia
* Note: The texts are in Serbian